How High Should a Volleyball Net Be? (Men, Women, School, Beach)
How high a volleyball net should depends on the gender of the players, the age group, and what type of surface the game is played on.
Volleyball Net Height: Men
The regulation height of a volleyball net for men is 2.43m (7 ft. 11 5/8 in). This applies to the professional and college game, as well as the Olympics.
When applicable, the age group of the players is taken into account.
For men aged 55 to 69 years old, the recommended height is 2.38m (7 ft. 9 5/8 in). For men aged 70 and older, the recommended height is 2.29m (7ft 6 in).
For men aged 15-54, which includes high school, the recommended net height is 2.43m (7 ft. 11 5/8 in) as stated above.
Volleyball Net Height: Women
The regulation height of a volleyball net for the women’s game is 2.24m (7 ft. 4 1/8 in). This applies to the professional and college game, as well as high school and the Olympics.
Similar to the men’s game, the height can be adjusted for different age groups.
For women aged 45-59, the recommended net height is 2.19m (7 ft. 2 1/8 in). For women aged 60 and older, the recommended height is 2.13m (7 ft.) For women aged 15-44, the standard regulation height of 2.24m as stated above applies.
Volleyball Net Height: Younger Players
The height of the volleyball net for boys aged 13-14 is 2.24m (7ft. 4 1/8 in); and 2.13m (7 ft) for boys aged 12 and younger.
The height of the volleyball net for girls aged 13-14 is 2.24m (7ft. 4 1/8 in); 2.13m (7 ft) for girls aged 11-12; and 2m (6 ft. 6 3/4 in) for girls aged 10 and younger.
Beach Volleyball Net Height: All Ages
The regulation height of a beach volleyball net for the men’s game is 2.43m (7 ft. 11 5/8 in). This applies to the professional and college game, as well as the Olympics.
For boys aged 15-16, the net should be 2.24m (7ft. 4 1/8 in); 2.13m (7 ft) for boys aged 13-14; and 2m (6 ft 6 3/4 in) for boys aged 12 and under.
The regulation height of a beach volleyball net for the women’s game is 2.24m (7 ft. 4 1/8 in). This applies to the professional and college game, as well as the Olympics and girls aged 15-16.
For girls aged 15-16, the net should is 2.24m (7ft. 4 1/8 in); 2.13m (7 ft) for girls aged 13-14; and 2m ( 6 ft 6 3/4 in) for girls aged 12 and younger.
How Should the Height of the Net Be Measured?
Using a measuring device, the net height should be measured from the center of the playing court.
Note that from the playing surface, the two ends of the net must be the same height. There is little margin for error, as the height should not exceed the official height by more than 2cm (3″/4″).
Related: Best Volleyball Nets